Tomorrow morning at 5:40am, there will be a knock at my hotel door, and I will be off on the Inca Trail for four days, reaching Machu Picchu early on Monday morning. ...More to come when I get back!
29 June
Flight from New York to Quito, Ecuador
30 June - 1 July
Explore the sites of Quito2 July - 6 July
Spanish language classes at the Instituto Superior de Espanol in Quito
8 July
Overnight bus from Quito to Coca, Ecuador
9 July
Travel by boat and dugout canoe on the Rio Napo to Yarina Lodge in the Ecuadorian rainforest
9 July - 13 July
Spanish language classes at the Yarina Lodge through the Instituto Superior de Espanol13 July
Return to Quito via boat and bus
14 July
Flight from Quito to Lima, Peru
15 July
Bus from Lima to Huancayo, Peru
16 July - 20 July
Lessons in traditional Andean Weaving at Incas del Peru in Huancayo
21 July - 23 July
Day trips in the Mantaro Valley, exploring village artisan traditions and Incan archaeological sites
24 July
Return from Huancayo to Lima via the newly-restored Central Andean Train service
25 July
Flight from Lima to Cuzco, Peru
25 - 26 July
Explore the sites of the ancient Incan capital city of Cuzco, including a visit to the Center for Traditional Textiles of Cusco, an institution that was founded in 1996 to help preserve the traditional weaving and textile traditions of Peru
27 July - 30 JulyFour-day trek on the legendary Inca Trail to the lost city of the Incas - Machu Picchu. Read an account of this hike in the New York Times31 JulyTrain from Cuzco to Puno, Peru, on the shores of Lake Titicaca1 Aug - 2 Aug
Explore the Islands and native cultures of Lake Titicaca
3 Aug
Return by train from Puno to Cuzco
4 Aug
Flight from Cuzco to Lima5 Aug
Flight from Lima to New York
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